Electrical Safety Community of Practice Workshop

July 22-26, 2024

Idaho National Laboratory

Idaho Falls, ID

NOTE: Y-12/Pantex employees may need to use a personal computer or mobile phone to use this registration platform.

Registrant Information

*Indicates required fields.

Access information

The workshop will be held in a facility that does not require an HSPD-12 badge. The INL tours require either an HSPD-12 badge or an INL-issued visitor badge if you do not have an HSPD-12 badge.

Meeting Schedule

July 22nd - Welcome, General Sessions & Intro to Working Groups

July 23rd - INL Tours & Working Group meetings

July 24th - Working Group meetings

July 25th - Working Group meetings

July 26th - Working Group Report Out & Closing

Working Group Descriptions

  1. Utility Standards Interface Mike Rose/Eric Stromberg
    1. Intersection of NFPA 70E and IEEE-C2 (1910.331 vs. 1910.269)
  2. Safety by Design Tracy Roberts/Richard Waters
    The group will be evaluating, revising, and finalizing a draft best practice for the installation, labeling, inspection/approval, training, and use of absence of voltage devices and voltage test stations and a draft best practice for the practical safeguarding of electrical components and assemblies in research environments. The group will also discuss future safety by design topics and develop outlines and start development (time permitting) of those future deliverables.
  3. Subcontractor Oversight Jennifer Martin/Mark Muir
    The Subcontractor Working Group will be reviewing returned LOI responses and beginning the development of a best practice (including providing our input to Safety Working Group Subcontractor’s Task Team) to recommend flow down of Electrical Safety and qualification requirements from contractors to subcontractors. The group will also prioritize future topics,  develop outlines and start development (time permitting) of future deliverables.
  4. Hazardous Energy Control –Eric Johannsen/Mark McCain/Keola Baclayon
    The HEC Sub-Group will be testing the draft Lockout / Tagout Significance Tool by using scenarios from across the facilities. Review and input of the draft Lockout/Tagout Significance Tool Instructions. Develop topic and draft poster ideas for the 2025 ESCoP May Electrical Safety Month. Determine other ideas that the group will work on over the next and provide time for general discussions.
  5. DC Working Group Lloyd Gordon/David Rosewater/Stephanie Collins
    1. Evolution of hazards changing technology
    2. Thresholds for low-voltage
    3. Guidance on replacing aging battery systems

Working Group Meeting selection

Tour Opportunities/citizenship questions

  • i. Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES)
    ii. Collaborative Computing Center
    iii. Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL)
    iv. Energy Innovation Laboratory (EIL)

If you are a foreign national and are interested in attending a tour please reach out to Kelden Boren at [email protected] for additional access instructions.

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